Catholic Artwork Prints

Product Image Item Name- Price
Madonna and Child

Madonna and Child

Madonna and Child by Sassoferrato Resplendent image of the Virgin Mary and baby Jesus tenderly resting together


Madonna and Child

Madonna and Child

Madonna and Child - Pompeo Batoni - Peaceful yet majestic image of the Blessed Virgin Mary our Mother and the baby Jesus


Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart of Jesus

Sacred Heart of JesusPrint measures 11" x 17" printed oncard stock - perfect for framing


Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount

Sermon on the Mount by Carl Heinrich Bloch Matthew 5: 1-12 When he saw the crowds he went up the mountain and after he had sat down his disciples cam...


Song of the Angels

Song of the Angels

Song of the Angels by Adolphe-William Bouguereau This beautiful print from a painting byAdolphe-William Bouguereau is of the Blessed Virgin Mary and...


St. Anthony of Padua with the Child Jesus

St. Anthony of Padua with the Child Jesus

St. Anthony of Padua with the Child Jesus by Bartolome Murillo Saint Anthony of Padua was a Franciscan Friar who was known for making a lasting...


St. Christopher

St. Christopher

St. Christopher carrying the Christ Child - Patron saint of travelers St. Christopher was a saint that lived in the 3rd Century. He was a very tall...


St. Joseph with the Infant Jesus

St. Joseph with the Infant Jesus

St. Joseph with the Infant Jesus by Guido Reni St. Joseph looks on baby Jesus with adoration and wonder of God made man. St. Joseph is the patron...


St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel -Luca Giordano


St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel

St. Michael the Archangel by Luca Giordano Ephesians 6:10Finally draw your strength from the Lord and from his mighty power. Revelation 12: 7-8 Then...


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