The Sacred Family


Beautiful Image of The Sacred Family by Pompeo Batoni Sirach 3:1-16Children pay heed to a father's right; do so that you may live.For the LORD sets a father in honor over his children; a mother's authority he confirms over her sons.He who honors his father atones for sins; he stores up riches who reveres his mother. He who honors his father is gladdened by children and when he prays he is heard. He who reveres his father will live a long life; he obeys the LORD who brings comfort to his mother.He who fears the LORD honors his father and serves his parents as rulers. In word and deed honor your father that his blessing may come upon you; For a father's blessing gives a family firm roots but a mother's curse uproots the growing plant. Glory not in your father's shame for his shame is no glory to you! His father's honor is a man's glory; disgrace for her children a mother's shame. My son take care of your father when he is old; grieve him not as long as he lives. Even if his mind fail be considerate with him; revile him not in the fullness of your strength. For kindness to a father will not be forgotten it will serve as a sin offering--it will take lasting root. In time of tribulation it will be recalled to your advantage like warmth upon frost it will melt away your sins. A blasphemer is he who despises his father; accursed of his Creator he who angers his mother. Feast Day of the Holy Family Special - FREE 8" x 10" Print of The Sacred Family (this offer does not include the cost of $6.95 for shipping and is limited to one print per order Please send an e-mail to to receive your FREE PRINT)

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